Thursday, October 21, 2021

An Introduction to the Seven Major Chakras

A former member of the United States Army, Larry J. Ansell is currently interested in both real estate and the metaphysical realms. He owns Lazarus Realty Services in New Jersey, along with several investment properties, and has studied metaphysical topics extensively, including Spiritual Anatomy and Reflective Etheric Healing.

According to Hindu belief, there are seven major chakras that represent the human body’s spiritual power centers. The base of these chakras is the root chakra, or Muladhara. Found at the bottom of the spine, the root chakra provides humans with a foundation for life. It’s responsible for helping people withstand challenges while maintaining a sense of stability. When blocked, it manifests as physical issues possibly like constipation or arthritis.

Farther up the body is the sacral chakra. Responsible for creative and sexual energy, this chakra, known as Svadhisthana, rests just below the belly button and relates to how people experience their emotions. Blocked sacral chakras may result in lower back pain and impotence.

The next chakra is the solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, which is located in the stomach area. Linked to self-esteem and confidence, it may create eating disorders and ulcers when blocked. It also limits a person’s personal power.

As evidenced by the name, the heart chakra (Anahata) is located in the heart area. This chakra is responsible for love and compassion, and can manifest as asthma, weight issues, and heart problems when blocked.

Vishuddha, or the throat chakra, is located above Anahata. Responsible for verbal communication, when blocked this chakra may result in gossiping, speaking without thinking, and dominating conversations when blocked.

The final two chakras are in the head. The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, rests between the eyes on the forehead. It symbolizes insight and intuition, and people with a blocked Ajna struggle with listening to reality.

Meanwhile, the crown chakra sits at the very top of the head. Linked to every other chakra, this chakra, also known as Sahasrara, affects the brain and nervous system when blocked.

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